Bluestacks bluetooth settings
Bluestacks bluetooth settings

To get started, download Bluestacks for your PC or Mac, then launch the program. While there are a handful of emulators to choose from, Bluestacks is known for its reliability, easy layout, and customization options. Try an Android emulatorĭid you know that you can mimic your phone or tablet’s Android operating system to your desktop? With programs like Bluestacks, you can enjoy the look, feel, and functionality of your phone’s Android OS right from your home computer. While you won’t be able to use Google Chrome for Google Assistant or any kind of device customization for the hardware on your network, the casting function will allow you to send audio and video from your desktop to certain Google Home devices on your network. Then, click Cast, followed by your device of choice. Next, with the Chrome browser launched, you can either click the More icon (three vertical dots) or right-click a blank section of your webpage. To do so, you’ll first want to ensure that your desktop is running the latest version of Chrome. If you’re already using Google Chrome as the default web browser for your PC or Mac and are looking to add Google Home functionality to your desktop, you’ll be glad to know that you can use Google Chrome to unlock the casting and streaming features that are built into the Google Home app. Put Google Chrome to the test Caio/Pexels Click Apps, find the Google Play Store tab, then click Turn On. Now all you have to do is head into the Google Play Store on your Chromebook, download the Google Home app, and launch it.īecause the building blocks of Chrome OS and Android are pretty close in nature, you’ll be able to use the Google Home app to do everything you normally do on your mobile device - including device controls, routine building, and casting - but through your Chromebook. To get started, go into the Settings menu of your Chromebook. While your run-of-the-mill desktop doesn’t feature onboard support for the Google Home app, those using a Chromebook can download and use the application as they would on a regular mobile device - and it’s all possible via the Google Play Store. Use Google Home through your Chromebook Mark Coppock/Digital Trends That said, there are a few workarounds you can implement, allowing you to add Google Home’s intuitive features to your computer of choice. Can you use the Google Home app on a PC?Īvailable exclusively for iOS and Android devices, you won’t find a dedicated desktop app for running your Google smart home on your Mac or PC. If it’s a smart device powered by Google Assistant and connected to your home network, you can control it through the Google Home app. Use Google Home through your Chromebook.Can you use the Google Home app on a PC?.

Bluestacks bluetooth settings